The Life-Changing Benefits of Saying "Yes" More Often
Generally, the word “yes” holds positive connotations of acceptance and affirmation. But not everyone is aware of the best use of this simple yet magical word for transforming one’s life. Yes, you heard it right. Saying yes wisely and more often can transform your life in amazing ways.
When we encounter something different and unconventional, our natural instinct is to avoid or show disapproval. We are not so quick in accepting that because our brain, by default, operates on the safety mode. However, in that process, our brain does not let us take risks and experience new things so easily. By saying ‘yes’ to them we let ourselves indulge in new experiences that help us grow. Saying yes means letting oneself out of one’s comfort zone because “Growth happens outside of one’s comfort zone.”
Alternatively, if we say “no” more often, it means we are limiting ourselves and closing the doorway to new opportunities for growth. As the famous saying goes, “Saying ‘Yes’ can reshape your life for good, and inspire others to do the same.”
Let’s learn how saying “yes” can reshape our lives.
Saying yes to opportunities
“Opportunity favors the prepared.”
The biggest ‘yes’ that you need to learn to say is ‘yes to opportunities.’ It is about accepting the opportunities that you have at hand and also being ready for the ones that can strike your way anytime. It is also about seeking opportunities that are indirectly knocking gently. Also, it is about creating opportunities whenever you can.
Saying yes to opportunities means embracing them wholeheartedly, without presenting the excuse of ‘time is not right’ or ‘I am not good enough for this.’ Because you can never know when the next one will knock on your door. Also, you cannot know how much you are capable of unless you don’t try. So do not wait for the perfect timing. Start wherever you are with what you have. As Marie Forleo says, “The key to success is to start before you are ready.”
On the contrary, if you say no to new chances, you are unlikely to explore what is ahead of you. Not inviting new opportunities due to apprehensions or fear of failure is actually a failure in itself. In the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt, ‘The only thing to fear is fear itself.’
Saying yes to challenges
While it may seem strange but saying yes to challenges is the ultimate expression of strength that you can exhibit. Also, this is the prime factor that prepares you to handle the toughest situations in your life. Remember, obstacles will always be there on your journey to success. How someone accepts them, differentiates the winners from the quitters.
Shonda Rhimes, the best-selling author and award-winning creator, producer, credits ‘yes’ as the revamping tool for her life. She mentions, ‘Anything that made me nervous, pushed me out of my comfort zone, I forced myself to say yes to. I accepted them willingly or unwillingly. And it turned out marvelous. The very act of performing and doing the thing that scared me kicked the fear out. Things seemed no scarier. My fear of public speaking, my social anxiety, my stage fright, all vanished. It is then I realized the power of this amazing word.”
Saying yes to challenges enable you to tap into your true potential. This allows you to know what you are capable of and how can you expand your talents.
Saying yes to your intuition
Saying yes to your intuition means trusting your gut instincts. Intuition is your innate inclination towards a particular idea, object, event, or outcome. It is your internal guide that helps you make better and quicker decisions in your best interest, without involving a whole lot of reasoning.
While saying yes is something that allows us to uncover new opportunities, sometimes saying yes can lead us to places that are not meant for us. This is where our intuition comes into the picture. Also, know that intuition answers ‘no’ differently from the ‘no’ that we present towards new growth opportunities based on the lack of our motivation or efficiency.
This difference is something we have to learn through courage and practice. We have to learn when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no’ to allows us to say more meaningful ‘yes’s.’ And our intuition is our best guide for such no’s. All we need to learn is to trust this.
Saying yes to miracles
The frequent use of ‘yes’ considerably enhances the probability of receiving more goodness in your life. By saying yes, you welcome possibilities and prepare yourself for grabbing them. This is what makes life worthwhile.
By reflecting on the good old times, you will see that most of the best things that you got and the amazing experiences in your life happened because you said yes to something. Whether a scary ‘yes’, or a daring ‘yes’, you allowed them to approach you anyway. Saying yes to miracles allows you to greet more of them. It sets the law of attraction in motion which implies that you attract what you focus on and allow yourself to receive. In other words, if you disallow something based on your inaction or lack of ability, then you are more likely to repel it.
A major benefit of saying ‘yes’ is that it widens your perspective. Knowing the fact that you contribute to the creation of your reality at every given moment, you keep your perspective right. It reshapes your pattern of thinking accordingly. You become aware of the things that can attract positivity in your life and you become more willing to say yes to them. Eventually, it puts you in a circle of abundance and positivity in life. This is why we see some people attract an enduring success in life while for others, it doesn’t last long.
Saying yes to act confidently
The key factor that leads to a strong confident outlook, is saying ‘yes’ more often. By saying yes to communication, you create openings for yourself. You make connections with new people and learn new prospects which you otherwise cannot. Though it is not a one-go process. The beginning will be hard. You get nervous while showing up. You may stumble in your conversations. But being continuously open to connect and converse, you naturally become more confident. This simple act will present new chances and ideas which you never knew existed. ‘Yes’ allows you to take more risks which ultimately expands your wisdom and insight.
Saying yes to outperform
By saying ‘yes’ to outperform your older self, you increase your chances of success. Not only that, but it allows others to believe in you but also establishes your position as a worthy person. Also, this ‘yes’ holds you accountable to yourself. Because once you commit to others and to yourself, you learn how to do it anyway. This creates room for creativity and alternate ways of doing more. This turns your ‘It seems impossible’ to ‘I did it.’ With time, this whole process brings in you better habits of productivity and persistence.
In short, ‘yes’ is the key to replacing your old lazy self with a newer lets-do-it self. By saying yes to new challenges and growth opportunities, you open the way to better experiences, knowledge, and confidence. It allows you to enjoy new adventures and collect more moments of happiness in life. Let’s learn to be courageous. Let’s say yes more often!