How Getting Proper Sleep Can Change Your Life
Not to forget the childhood story ‘early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’, decent sleep is essential to make you healthy and fit. But the concept that ‘it will change your life’, is not commonly heard. Yes, getting proper sleep has the potential to change your life in so many ways. But it has become unfamiliar in this era of hustle and bustle. Research tells that about 90% of human beings cannot perform at their optimal levels when they get less than eight hours of sleep at night.
Without any further explication, let’s learn how a good night’s sleep can improve the quality of our life.
1. Good sleep helps you focus better and have longer attention spans
Somnolence is the best recharge formula for the brain. When you do not get enough sleep, your attention and focus abilities decline.
Getting proper sleep mitigates fuzzy thinking and improves clarity. In other words, losing sleep for a substantial period of time means losing one’s ability to concentrate, learn and focus on the tasks. Many research studies have been conducted in this regard where the attention and focus of participants were evaluated through tests. The candidates who worked for extended hours were found to make more mistakes in their tests. Likewise, sleep spans of less than 6-8 hours can produce a similar effect as alcohol consumption does, on the brain.
An eminent study on sleep loss mentions that sleep deprivation not only disturbs vigilance and working memory but also negatively impact other brain functions, such as retaining and recalling information, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. This phenomenon equally applies to both children and adults. (Paula and Polo- Kantola 2007).
2. The better you sleep, the higher you perform
A good span of sleep drastically improves your activity during daytime wakefulness. Upon observing the routines of peak performers, you will come to know that they all follow a proper sleep schedule. Also, to improve their quality of sleep, they take measures like consumption of detox drinks, cutting off screen exposure from gadgets before sleeping, etc.
3. Sleeping well improves memory
Research suggests that sleep helps in learning and memory formation. Getting further in, the memory formation is a three-step process i.e. Acquisition (when we learn and take new information into the brain), Consolidation (a brain process where memory becomes stable and long-lasting), and Recall (our ability to access the stored information). Research studies have found that the memory consolidation process takes place only when we are sleeping where our neuronal pathways get strengthened. The component of restful and longer sleep hours is of paramount importance in the prevention of faltering memory. It clearly explains the significance of sleep in learning and developing long-term memory.
4. Decent amount of sleep promotes positive emotions
The connection between emotions and sleep has been well-established by various scientific studies. A well-rested person appears happier and fresh. Your mood feels good when you rest well which leads to better socialization, good communication, a courageous outlook, and an overall sense of optimism. After a good sleep, you enjoy daily life activities. It can make or break your day.
On the other hand, lack of good night sleep makes you agitated, and restless. A sleep-deprived person gets easily bothered by minor annoyances. Frequent deprivation of sleep decreases your resistance to stress and enhances sensitivity to distressing stimuli in your daily life. (Vandekerckhove and Wang 2018)
5. Good sleep boosts energy and provides vigor
A connection between sleep duration and energetic performance has been studied and the results have been found as positive effects of longer sleep durations on energy levels. Sleep improves speeds, performance accuracy, and reaction times in physical performance.
6. Getting good sleep is imperative to better immune functioning
Research also indicates the prominent role of sleep in the formation of immunological memory. A night of good sleep is essential to properly maintain one’s circadian rhythm which is linked to immune functioning, among many other things. (Besedovsky et al. 2012). In view of this, scientists tested immunity indicators in well-rested and sleep-deprived people, and found higher immunity in the former. In simple words, you can better fight infectious microorganisms when you maintain a decent slumber.
7. A well-balanced sleep schedule lowers the risk of developing chronic diseases
Any duration of less than the optimal duration of sleep according to your age is directly linked to an increased risk of development of chronic diseases, particularly diabetes, stroke and cancer where the usual optimum sleep duration is considered at least six hours. (Von Ruesten et al. 2012) Not to forget the harmful effects of sleep loss on one’s immune system, it greatly increases the risk of catching deadly infections as well as recurring infections.
Sleep deprivation impairs hormonal processes and the regularity of metabolism that can lead to various metabolic complications. Sleep serves as a resting and resetting function for various body organs including the hepatic and digestive systems.
8. Good sleep is necessary for brainstorming and idea generation
Sleep clears your mental fogging and helps your brain to operate at peak levels. This favors brainstorming which results in the generation of new and innovative ideas. Lack of a well-balanced sleep schedule is explicitly linked to cognitive decline and poor mental performance.
9. Fulfilling your sleep needs will make you consume fewer calories and meet your fitness goals
Wondering how getting a good night’s sleep helps one in controlling weight? Lack of sleep generates a chemical substance in the body that increases appetite and stimulates cravings for sugary, crispy substances, in other words, unhealthy snacks. This is why you get those midnight cravings that make you consume packets and packets of snacks. Not only it affects your ability to lose weight but also makes you overweight or obese. A well-rested body will allow you to make wise choices, including better dietary patterns and lesser bulimic episodes.
Another aspect is your metabolism which functions better as a result of a balanced circadian rhythm. This, in turn, is connected to good sleep. Sleep deprivation impairs carbohydrate metabolism due to sub-optimal insulin levels. This greatly increases your risk of getting obesity and obesity-related complications. It is safe to say that a good slumber is as important in achieving your fitness goals as is eating healthy or exercising.
10. Good sleep helps in combating age-related degenerative changes
You are likely less prone to pre-mature aging if you sleep well and follow a proper sleep-wake schedule. Sleep plays a major role in the regenerative and damage repair processes of the body that lessen the decelerating age changes from developing at an early age. Additionally, a good slumber is found to promote the growth of healthy cells and slough off old ones, collectively this process promotes a youthful appearance.
In conclusion, it can be said that maintaining a healthy pattern of sleep with good quality sleep can substantially improve all areas of your life i.e. health, memory, focus, productivity, exterior looks, emotions, and successful outcome of your efforts. To promote your sleep quality, we have developed Deep Sleep Tea that will help you solve your sleeping issues. Not only it will decrease the latency to sleep but also expand the duration of your resting period. We are a Canadian-based Tea Company offering premium teas for your health, and wellness goals. We, at Life Booster Tea, are determined to help you grow and become the best version of yourself.