5 Simple Tips to Cure the Fall Blues
The temperature starts to get cooler and the days start to get shorter… This is the time of the year where you might find yourself with less energy or less motivation to do things that you would normally be excited and energized to do. What is the cause of this? It’s the fall blues.
A lot of people get the fall blues and it can take a toll on them mentally and physically, but there are ways to help reverse this and get yourself back to your old summer self again. Don’t let the fall blues get you down anymore!
Here are five simple tips to cure the fall blues:
1. Stay Positive
During the fall season, a lot of people may find themselves negatively commenting about the cold weather and how the days are so much shorter. It’s totally normal for people to talk about this because it is a great conversation starter, but what people don’t realize is that this complaining and emphasis on the negatives only makes people feel worse!
The more you talk about the negatives, the more your subconscious mind will start to make you believe that you should be feeling bad during these times. This doesn’t need to be the case.
Instead, stop those negative thoughts and comments in their tracks and replace them with positive ones. People don’t realize just how powerful positive thinking is… Try it out for yourself!
2. Stock up on Vitamin D
During the summer our bodies are constantly being exposed to the sun. Whether you’re outside for a walk or sitting in your backyard, the sun during the summer is stronger and stays out much longer providing you with a healthy dose of vitamin D.
In a recent study, vitamin D, which some know as the “sunshine vitamin” had been proven to play a big part in regulating mood and reducing depression in people who take Vitamin D supplements.
Since the days are shorter in the fall and the sun is weaker, our bodies generally have a lack of Vitamin D, so it’s clear to see that this could be a reason why you’re feeling down and less motivated. Start taking vitamin D… It will help cure the fall blues!
3. Go for a hike
A lot of us tend to spend more time cooped up in our homes in the fall. It’s inevitable. It gets darker quicker and there’s less to do outside when it’s dark. When we spend all of this time inside, we start to feel down on ourselves and sometimes depressed.
To avoid this and help cure the fall blues, it’s a good idea to take advantage of any daylight whether it be on your days off or during the weekend to get outside and go for a hike somewhere. Going for hikes has been proven to lower stress levels, improve your mood, and enhance your wellbeing.
Need some extra motivation to get out? Find a hiking buddy! Reach out to a friend, schedule a weekly hike, and challenge each other to find a cool, new spot each week. This will get you on the right track to feeling good.
4. Exercise
While experiencing the fall blues, it might be more difficult to get yourself to exercise, but mustering up the energy to do it will be very beneficial.
Even a short amount of exercise whether at your home or at the gym has been proven to release a chemical in your brain called dopamine. Dopamine helps to regulate your mood and make you feel good. Get in a quick exercise in the morning before work and this will help you feel energized and happier all day long. Exercise your way out of the fall blues!
5. Have a healthy diet
We already feel sluggish and tired during the fall blues, but having a poor diet will make us feel even worse! Studies have shown that people who eat a lot of unhealthy food are much more likely to feel unenergized and depressed. The opposite was found for people who eat healthy. The healthy eaters were found to have high energy levels, good mental clarity, and happier moods.
Throw away those greasy or sugary foods and replace them with a healthy diet; your energy levels will skyrocket, and your fall blues will slowly vanish. It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it!
We hope this guide was informative and gave you some guidance on how to cure the fall blues. The fall blues is a common occurrence, but you don’t have to let it take over your life. Try out these proven tips and let us know how they worked for you!