5 Simple Tips On Getting A Flat Stomach
So many people go through the struggle of trying to get a flat stomach and it can sometimes be a pretty stressful and daunting process to do so. Are you one of these many people?
A lot of people might answer yes to this question, but in reality, the key to solving this might just be to get educated on some effective and proven ways to actually help flatten your stomach.
That being said, here are five simple tips to help you get a flat stomach and lose weight:
We all do it. We eat dinner, then shortly before bed we pull out the “little” snacks and eat even more. Most of the time our bodies don’t need these extra snacks; our bodies aren’t actually hungry, but instead, we just eat them because we’re bored.
Not only are you putting extra calories in your body, but you’re doing it at night, the time of the day where your body burns the least number of calories!
Stopping late-night snacking will not only help you to get a flat stomach, but it will help you to feel better about yourself in the morning. Who doesn’t want that?
We’ve all heard that the key to burning fat is to do high-intensity exercise. This has been proven not to always be the case.
Getting out for a walk, whether it’s a casual walk around the block or if you’re taking your dog for a walk, is a great way to burn unwanted calories without the high intensity (and is a great excuse to get a dog).
It is generally a known fact that you need to burn more calories than you consume. That being said, keeping your routine to a short 20-minute walk every day can add up to enough loss in calories each week that you will eventually start to see a reduction in your waist and get closer to achieving that flat stomach.
The human body is made up of 60% water. That fact alone should be a good indicator that to be healthy and to feel great you need to consume enough water throughout the day.
Besides the fact that drinking water is healthy, it also helps you to feel full. That being said, if you drink water with meals, you will feel fuller and not risk the chance of overeating and getting too many calories. Many people don’t realize it, but they are actually eating too much food during typically heavier meals like dinner; this will solve that issue.
Even better, try drinking the 14-day full body detox tea from Life Booster Tea after breakfast and dinner. Not only will this tea make you feel fuller like water will, but it will also boost your metabolism and help you to properly digest your food; all leading to weight loss, less bloating, and a flatter stomach!
Strengthening your core could be one of the most effective ways of getting a flat stomach and it can be done from the comforts of your own home!
Performing simple at-home core exercises like planks and sit-ups help you to strengthen the muscles that actually hold in your belly, thus giving you the appearance of a flat stomach.
Try performing three sets of planks and three sets of sit-ups every second day. This can be at any time during the day. You may feel some burning in your core muscles after the first few times you do this but that is a good thing; it means your muscles are growing and you are getting stronger/leaner!
Do you drink a lot of juice? Or do you drink juice that claims to be healthy?
Many people drink juice that they think is healthy for them, or that is “jammed packed” with fruit and/or veggies. You would generally think that these juices are healthy for you and that you are doing good for your body, but this isn’t always the case.
Most juices on the shelves that claim to be healthy are often filled with high amounts of sugar. Sugar has been proven to be linked to weight gain and obesity, so even though you are getting some amounts of fruit or veggies from the juice, the large amount of sugar might just be counteracting the healthy components of it.
Instead, when searching for juice in a grocery store, look for the ones that state that they have “less sugar”, “half sugar”, or “no sugar”. These will still give you the healthy vitamins and nutrients from the juices, but they will have much less sugar/empty calories and will be a much better alternative.
Getting a flat stomach and losing weight doesn’t always have to be a complicated or strenuous process. Even with just following these five simple steps, you will be well on your way to feeling great and to getting that flat stomach you’ve been dreaming about!