Why are you always tired? 10 simple ways to boost your energy levels all day long
“Why do I feel exhausted more often whereas my colleagues seem energetic?” “How will I make progress with this state of being drained most of the time?” “How can I make my energy flow throughout the day to get things done and feel accomplished at the end of the day?”
Shared above are the few basic questions that every other person seems to ask himself and wants to find the solution to. What if I tell you that this common problem can be managed in simple ways? Yes, we all want to jump to the solutions but let’s first overview the reasons, i.e. why one feels lethargic and inactive in the first place.
What makes you feel fatigued and drained?
Here is a quick list of the factors that likely make you tired, indolent, and exhausted.
- Poor sleeping habits
- Constantly occupied mind
- Lack of work-life balance
- Health issues
- Unmanaged or overwhelming stress
- Being unorganized in daily tasks
- Nutritional deficiency
- Being around habitual procrastinators
Let’s get to know the simple and effective habits that you can incorporate into your daily life to boost up and sustain the energy levels that can help you make your goals happen.
1. Establish a morning routine
An effective morning routine can make your life happier and more disciplined. To make it work, you should first cultivate a firm belief that initiating your day well imparts long-lasting positive effects on your day. Let’s not forget the natural surge of healthy hormones that release in the morning that make you productive and energetic. That is why the great people in history, leaders, and successful millennials follow well-developed morning routines. In the famous book ‘What the most successful people do before breakfast’, the writer interviewed the luminaries and experts from different walks of life, where they all were found valuing their morning routine.
A good routine for the morning hours set the tone of the day and helps you focus on your substantial goals. This, in turn, helps you use your energy on the tasks that really matter. While there is no single routine structure that works for everyone, you can establish it according to your needs.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast
The hustle and bustle of this modern life has made us forget and undermine the importance of having a hearty breakfast. Having a healthy breakfast satiates you and works as the driving force for a productive day. Some wisely said, ‘Breakfast is everything, the beginning, the first thing. It is the mouthful that is the commitment to a new day, a continuing life.’
It is no secret that a wholesome breakfast not only favors an early gush of energy but also invigorates the day’s tasks until later.
“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” ‒ Adelle Davis.
3. Perform regular brain detox
While there is a lot of focus on body detox, emotional detox is equally vital. Because it helps you clear your headspace of the junk thoughts and unwanted emotions that unintentionally settle in throughout the day.
Take a few moments to sit in an unbothered and calm state for your brain detox. In the peaceful hours of solitude, you can connect with your higher self and evacuate your mind from unnecessary thoughts. It gives you clarity, enthusiasm, and a spout of productivity that keeps your energy levels soaring. Also, it saves you from spending energy on unproductive thoughts that can repeatedly bombard and hinder your progress.
4. Make time for daily workout
Despite being aware of the health benefits of a regular workout, we habitually adopt sedentary behaviors and tend to ditch the workout plans. Yes, our brain operates on the easy mode by default and keeps us from getting out of our comfort zone. Thus, we don’t get to reach the maximum energy levels that we can tap into otherwise.
Regular physical activity can improve your strength and endurance. It improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues and helps the physical systems to operate more efficiently. Exercise also uplifts the mood by stimulating the release of brain chemicals responsible for vitality and happiness. With regular workouts, you get more energy and enthusiasm to tackle daily chores.
Furthermore, an active lifestyle where you move more and sit less can energize you more easily and invigorate you with better performance habits.
5. Let the music do the work
Feeling lethargic and need an instant surge of energy? Grab your earbuds and turn on your favorite upbeat music! Listening to cheerful music tunes your brain for a heightened feeling of excitement and energy. Also, it kicks out inertia, heaviness, unwanted anxiety, and stress. In short, music is a quick and easy way to overcome sloth and get into an energized state again.
6. Soak up some sunshine
Extended work hours, longer screen times and couching has made us forget the importance of getting out and soaking in the sunshine. Also, it is one of the reasons that people are getting easily depressed and drained these days. Sunlight is claimed to be a natural anti-depressant since it pours out serotonin in your brain that improves energy and fosters positivity, alertness, and liveliness. So, take a quick walk in the nearby garden or waterside to bathe in the soothing rays of the sun and stimulate your energy stores to work.
7. Have a wholesome meal to fulfill nutritional requirements
While enlisting the ways to maximize energy levels, let’s not forget to discuss the basic source of energy that your body uses i.e. your daily fuel. Yes, you do take care of your meals and their timings but have you considered pondering over the nutritional values that you eat? Are your meals sufficiently fulfilling the daily requirement of your body? Are your visible signs of lethargy connected to malnourishment or the deficiency of a particular nutrient? Is your meal mainly composed of junk or comfort food? Are you relying on loads of caffeine to fuel your system? Are you eating calmly or just snacking around the day owing to your hectic routine?
Take time to observe your meal patterns and critically evaluate your eating habits. You can seek the help of a physician or nutritionist in this regard so you can optimize your meals according to your energy consumption.
8. Make a quick call to upbeat friends
Not feeling active and not planning to go out for a walk either? That’s okay... Grab your phone and make a call to the spirited and vibrant people on your favorites’ list. Let them know how you are feeling and let them do the rest of the work. Surely, they will have something to say that will spark your day and excite you to get back into the game!
9. Hydrate and rehydrate
Sometimes, the simple act of gulping a glass of water every hour can stimulate our energy reserves. It is because we forget to hydrate our brains during the long working hours. Therefore, rehydrating your body replenishes and invigorates you without any considerable expense. In addition, if you’re looking to get a healthy boost of natural caffeine and hydration, you can try our delicious Energy Boost Tea.
10. Declutter your to-do list of the day
While it may not seem quite relevant to you but the unnecessary tasks on your to-do list make you tired and sluggish. A long list of tasks where few of them are even unnecessary or unimportant is more likely cause us to procrastinate. Thus, the unaccomplished works tend to shift on the next day and the circle goes on. Ultimately, we enter a vicious cycle of workload, poor energy levels, unmotivated work attitude, and persistent burnout. This problem can be avoided by simply organizing the tasks according to their nature of importance and urgency and delegating the ones which others can do better.
To conclude, energizing yourself is way easier than you thought it is and can be simply done by adopting healthy patterns as has been shared above. All it takes you to decide and act!